Generation zero map
Generation zero map

generation zero map generation zero map

You can invite friends you know, or you can take your chances by letting random players find and join your online session. Generation Zero can be played alone or with up to three companions.

generation zero map

The visual juxtaposition of two-story killing machines stalking through a picturesque, semi-rural Swedish countryside was such a draw that I really wanted this game to just go that little extra mile to make itself wonderful. But it still seems to be missing that "Wow!" factor. Taking cues from a number of popular games - such as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds looting system and real-world weapons the four-player, co-operative multiplayer like in Borderlands or Left 4 Dead and a quest system similar to Fallout 76 - Generation Zero should have been primed for success. I was pretty hyped seeing the artwork and trailers for Generation Zero, a dystopian sci-fi thriller set in a version of 1980s Sweden where giant, mysterious robots have invaded and attacked the local populace.

Generation zero map